There’s nothing more frustrating than staring at your business’ site and just feeling like something is off, right?
Perhaps your business just doesn’t have that professional vibe.
Maybe you’re not comfortable with the rate at which your site is converting.
Either way, it’s better to swallow your pride and hire help sooner rather than later versus settling for a mediocre web presence. Especially in a day and age where mobile marketing is all the rage, businesses today traditionally struggle to “do it all” on their own when it comes to their sites.
Don’t sweat it. Given the booming gig economy and the ability to hire tech-savvy startups or freelancers in a snap, there’s arguably no better time to hire help to grow your business.
That said, you need to know exactly what you’re getting into when you’re looking at new hires. That’s exactly why we’re outlined three essential points to consider before hiring someone to help code, design or otherwise optimize your business’ web presence.
Figure Out the Price Tag of Your Project
When it comes to hiring any sort of help, the price tag involved is always going to be a primary concern.
For starters, you need to have realistic expectations in terms of what you want and the legwork involved. When we look at how much it costs to hire a mobile app developer, for example, there are obviously tons of variables at play. Depending on your wants and needs, you could be spending anywhere between less than $250,000 to well over $1.5 million.
Crazy, right?
To say that not all projects are created equal would be an understatement. It’s best to define a budget beforehand, but it’s also important for business’ to understand that they’re not going to receive work by paying peanuts.
Check Out Your Potential Hires’ Track Record
Looking for someone to help with a one-off project can be particularly challenging as you don’t want to spend too much time delegating and interviewing candidates. One of the easiest ways to weed out potential hires is simply by looking at their track record.
Do they have a portfolio? Do they have relevant industry experience? Testimonials and recommendations?
While you don’t necessarily want to rule out someone with less experience, someone with a strong work history is much less likely to leave you disappointed. Furthermore, taking the time to understanding what makes a good coder in the first place can also clue you in on whether or not someone has experience relevant to your needs or is just trying to smooth talk you.
Location, Location, Location
Finally, bear in mind the impact of geography when it comes to your new tech hire.
So many companies today hire far beyond their own backyard as talent rarely has borders in today’s economy. That said, you need to make sure you and your potential hires are on the same page in terms of your ability to effectively communicate.
If you’re working with someone in another country, for example, simply make sure you outline expectations clearly and ideally have a time of day where you can speak in real-time, if necessary. Managing remote workers requires patience and flexibility, but can ultimately save you major money in the long-run.
Don’t assume that an awesome hire to step up your business’ web presence is beyond your reach. Instead, keep these tips in the back of your mind to ensure that you hire the absolute best fit for your company.