The Future is Now
Green technology, green housekeeping, and energy efficiency are all popular catch phrases at the moment. We have all heard about improving the efficiency of our homes and the smart grid but what many people don’t realize is that they can actually purchase a solar kit for their home. While not cheap they are reasonable priced over the long term.
Our dependence on coal, oil and natural gas is reaping havoc on the environment. The increasing demand and dwindling supply are driving up costs. Soon we will need to turn to renewable energy such as the residential solar power to power our homes.
When it comes to using power from the sun, many individuals do not consider it as an option simply because they think it will be too complicated or too expensive. CGS Sydney advise that while this may have been true in the past, today, residential solar power is within everyone’s reach with the advancements in the technology and government rebates. In fact, many individuals have successfully built their own solar power panels using DIY solar energy guides.
So how does solar power work?
Honestly, it is something that is very amazing. Electricity is created by using solar panels that consist of photovoltaic (PV) cells. Photovoltaic means “light-electricity.” While this might sound very scientific, don’t let the big words fool you. The PV cells convert the sun’s energy into power for your home. This energy is typically enough to power most of your modern day appliances and electronics.
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You can build your own solar panel for as little as two hundred dollars? Chances are that your electric bill is around two hundred dollars each month. A single solar panel, although it won’t power your entire home, can decrease the cost of your electric bill every year, making it a viable renewable energy source for your home.
When switching to solar energy, you can cut your electric bill down by eighty five percent (85%). How does that sound for “going green?” Depending on your locale, you might even generate excess energy. Under these circumstances, you can sell the excess power back to the electric company. Now, instead of paying them, they pay you!
Residential solar power -Any Way You Want It!
Are you all set to help preserve your environment by acting responsibly? Have you made up your mind to use residential solar power instead of the conventional electricity provided by the utility companies? If so, this is an extremely eco-friendly decision and we hope more and more people think and act just like you!
One way to get started with solar energy use in your home is to build a solar panel. Although this may sound like a difficult task, it really is not. There are numerous do-it-yourself guides available on the market which teaches you exactly how to build solar panels. They show you everything from the right technique of building the panel to the material you need to use. All you have to do is go to the nearest hardware store and purchase the necessary materials.
The most important component you’ll need for generating solar power is obviously the solar or photovoltaic cells, which have silicon molecules. These molecules react with sunlight. Other components include things like plywood for the base, wires of copper, solder to connect these wires, glass for the front frame, and material to make the frame of the panel.
Everyone is different and has different wants and needs. Having the ability to customize your solar kit is important. Most companies will be happy to help you put together a system that meets your needs.
Home energy systems: The trends

Rising energy costs, both financial as well as environmental have caused the industry to promote more energy efficient appliances, cars and to provide more environmentally sustainable solutions for energy.
Some but not all of these changes have filtered down to residential homeowners. You’ll notice the energy efficiency labels on most appliances now. The numbers seem to be dropping to lower levels with each passing year. Home heating systems have become increasingly more efficient and cleaner burning fuel alternatives are being continually sought.
The next obvious step however has not seen wide spread acceptance yet. The conversion to independence from the electrical grid has been slowly filtering down to the residential sector. Home solar and wind systems are most commonly used as an auxiliary system to offset hydroelectric costs, or to provide a backup in areas with frequent hydro disruptions.
The future of this technology is just beginning to be realized, as the first pioneers have set out to construct or convert existing residences that work independently from the environmentally problematic hydroelectric framework. As we become more conscious of our individual impact on our surroundings a shift in residential construction ideology will begin to take place.
Electrical storage systems are beginning to meet the demand of the current homeowners usage. The price of current systems currently outpaces most individual’s ability to recapture the investment in the system. As more people convert to a greener energy alternative the price for solar and wind systems will continue to drop.
As energy, fossil fuels and energy maintenance fees continue to raise the conversion to alternative energy systems will grow in demand. The facilities that house the massive power generating needs of the world will begin to disappear from our mists and will eventually be replaced by greener, more environmentally responsible alternatives.
Solar Kit – A Kit is a Kit
They put it together for you. This is technical stuff and chances are that you have not done this before. You will not be able to foresee all of the hardware and accessories that you will need. Let the experts assemble the kit and tell you how to do it. Turnkey projects usually go much more smoothly than attempting to go it alone.
This is a huge fast growing business with major competition. If you do your research and buy from a reputable company chance are you will get a product that far surpasses your expectations. The will make it as user-friendly as possible and include all relevant installation instructions. Many companies are going as far as selling homemade solar panel kits.
A building, in general, is a heavily regulated activity, add electrical generation on top of that and you have a situation in which you could very well have a difficult time obtaining permits, especially if you are a do-it-yourself. Most solar kits will be able to smooth this process because they have dealt with it numerous times in various parts of the country. They know how to negotiate the system and will be able to help. They will be able to provide detailed schematics, plans, and other required documentation.
One of the great things about solar kits is that you don’t have to do it all now. It is easy to add on to a kit later and most are built with this in mind. Solar is expensive so having the ability to add on over time can help insulate you from feeling the cost all at once. Your energy demands tend to change over time as families grow and people add more electronics to their household.
Rebates and Tax Cuts
Alternative energy is heavily subsidized at the moment. It won’t be for ever so you might as well take advantage of the opportunity. State and federal programs vary but it is possible to get much of your system paid for by the government. Check with your local tax office for information or do research through the Database of State Incentives for Renewable and Efficiency (DSIRE) it is a great resource for finding the answers you need.
Solar kits are the way of the future and a way you can make a difference right now.
Planning a Home Solar Electric System
Solar power system based products will turn sunlight into electricity. The silicon wafers will catch photons from the sunlight and turn this in DC power. This power is then changed to 120 volt AC power and connected and run along the existing electrical system in the home or business office. This may also be attached to the localized electrical control grid. As the sun is shining, you may be able to acquire more power then you can use. Your meter will really spin around backward. During the nighttime with no sun, your house will be using from the electric company. There are a couple of some other labels the solar power systems are named. The solar energy system, the solar electric systems and the Photovoltaic or the PC systems are in truth all the same. The solar power systems independently convert the solar light into electricity. This electricity may then be used right away, stored in batteries or fed into an electric power grid system.
The commitment to clean energy is a healthy financial strategy. Solar power systems are rather expansive and represent a good investment for the home or business owner. This power system can return affordable electricity and power for years, even decades to come. There are some ample bonuses of offset the original costs. A wide range of local, state and federal bonuses such as tax credits, grants, rebates, loans, leasing and direct equipment sales will aid to offset the costs. While it might be difficult to know and understand what is available, most of the solar energy companies can help you to make of what is available. Some of the companies will also aid manage the rebate activities for you.
Some of the best marketers and installers of the solar power system will tell you that simpler is better. The more complex systems will necessitate more technical support and will lower reliability. Always hire a professional to buy and install the solar electric system from. The professional electrician is not necessarily certified or qualified by the equipment manufactures to install the equipment as needs to be done.
Solar Home Appliances – Eminent Devices & Technologies
The solar products will include the solar generator along with the solar collector and the home solar panels. The solar electricity that is produced is often enough to run your household and return some solar electricity back into the electric company that will be credited to your account. The certified companies will maintain the proper documentation and the insurance to shelter the household owner or business proprietor from any worker liabilities.
A registered company will help to ensure how much and what and where. During a location visit, the salesperson will help to determine what type of power system will perform best for your requirements. Also, the system is very important. A Solar Pathfinder is used to determine the daily and seasonal shading. The price of or how many solar panels are necessary for your location and also how much will this cost. While the solar power systems are developed for decades of unattended use, it is essential to furnish for regular maintenance. The panels may need a little annual cleaning.
Solar Energy Market
Portable solar appliances are produced primarily for people in the developed countries who are going for military mission, research, recreation activities (such as hiking and camping), etc., in areas where electricity may be absent. Hence the demand and output for these appliances are very low. But in the developing countries, solar appliances such as solar chargers are being used to compensate for the unreliable power supply needed to power computers and charge handsets, MP3, MP4, and other small devices. Yet these products are not common in the local markets. Investing into the importation of these products could yield a lot of money.
Apart from solar cell phone Chargers; Solar Fans, Solar thermodynamic pumps like The Big Magic Thermodynamic Box, Solar charger and other solar equipment’s, products & gadgets are also important solar products worthy of considering. For example, Private Bore-holes are very rampant in Nigeria. It is so diffused that it has become a compulsory part of building architecture. But the failure of public power supply, the high cost of fuel for private diesel generators and the noisy nature of the generators are a hurdle that makes solar water pump attractive. And the former problems, as well as high temperatures in the region, bring in the importance of solar powered fans.
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Solar products manufactured in Europe are very popular in very remote places. But they are due to charity work that donates the products to village dwellers. But the actual price might not be affordable to the recipients.
Information Technology is very advanced in some Countries of Africa. Hence the availability of Handsets and Computers are comparable to some developed countries. These countries also have large market potentials. But the public power supply is unreliable. As such, the solar alternative is very attractive.
As a foreigner, doing business in these countries is very easy because most of the governments are more interested in foreign investment than local inputs. This is the reason they spend millions of dollars annually promoting their investment climate on cable news. Most will do a lot to protect foreign investors.
One could earn a lot of money from this business idea because in most countries there is a near absence of competition.
Finally,About twenty years ago, no one ever imagined we could use energy from the sun to power our homes. Now, it seems as if it is one of the fastest growing alternative energy sources on the market. Thousands of people throughout the world are starting to use residential solar power. It just makes perfect sense to harness the power from the sun and turn it into electricity, don’t you think?
So here we are looking into the crystal ball of the future, seeing our needs as consumers changing in the Real Estate marketplace. Greener, more cost-effective energy alternatives will be on the menu. As demand for these products increases so will the efficiency and quality of the products offered in the marketplace.