5 Things Bloggers Can Do to Protect Their Website from Hackers

Cyber threats are all over the internet these days. It used to be that big businesses with lots to lose were the only ones affected – not the case anymore. Everyone is a target, and there are a lot more hackers stepping into the arena.

As a blogger, you might think there’s no way anyone would be interested in your website…but that’s where you’d be wrong. Hackers routinely break into and hold blogs for ransom. They also make their way into any private information you might have (credit cards, bank accounts, etc.) pertaining to yourself or your customers.

Needless to say, it’s important to stay protected from a cybersecurity standpoint. Here are 5 things you can do to protect your website from hackers.

  1. Use Strong Passwords

Brute force hacking is one of the most common means cyber criminals use to gain access to your information. The best thing you can do to safeguard against this is to use strong passwords. A strong password typically uses a combination of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

Your web hosting panel, WordPress admin panel, and any other accounts associated with your blog should all use passwords that meet this criteria. As an added measure, you may want to consider two-factor authentication as well, especially if you have a lot of highly sensitive information to protect.

  1. Be Vigilant About Granting Access to Your Blog

WordPress admin accounts are hacked all the time by cyber criminals. One easy way they gain access is when you actually grant it to them yourself. You should always be careful and think twice about who you give access to in your admin panel.

Since outsourcing to freelancers is basically second nature these days, you need to limit and closely monitor the actions any contractors you hire take on your blog. Once the work is done and the user account is no longer needed, you should delete the account.

  1. Consider Installing Dedicated Cybersecurity Software

Contrary to popular belief, your computer isn’t the only thing that needs protection from cyber-attacks. When most people think of cybersecurity software, they think of the robust programs businesses use to protect their network and hardware, as well as serve as an internet usage monitor.

This is a little different. There are plenty of cybersecurity software options available just for your own blog. These prevent malware infections, provide cleanup and restoration in the event of a breach, scan for bad URLS, provide firewall protection, and much more.

  1. Keep Your Blogging Platform Updated

Anytime a new WordPress version is released, you should update it immediately. The same holds true for any other blogging engine.

New releases do more than just add features and improve usability. Some would argue that their main purpose is to patch security vulnerabilities and protect against known malware.

  1. Use Plugins Wisely

Without a doubt, plugins are what make WordPress so easy to use. Similar to apps for smartphones, there’s basically a plugin for just about anything.

The danger in plugins is that anyone can make one. If you’re using plugins to help manage your blog, here are a few general rules to follow:

  • Only install plugins from trusted sources
  • Keep them updated frequently
  • Delete olds ones that you don’t use or ones that haven’t been updated in a while
  • Always check reviews on WordPress.org to see the user rating and comments

Bringing It All Together

Blogs take a lot of work turning them into something special. Once you finally “make it”, would you want to lose it all to a cybersecurity breach? Use these tips as a jumpstart to protecting your site and take a proactive approach to safeguarding your precious information.

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