Best wordpress themes today are the top growing need around the world. Almost every individual having their own website today and most of them are hosting wordpress blogs on them. And every day there are many new domains are being registered and in most of those websites wordpress is being installed as content management system(CMS). With this the need for best wordpress themes has grown and many wordpress theme developers are releasing thousands of new themes every day. Many new developers also are entering in to this sector and developing many new top wordpress themes more competitively to emerge in the most competitive wordpress themes market.
Every website owner hosting wordpress blog wants his site to have an unique impression and this can be achieved only with the best wordpress themes those prove to be unique from other themes. Once if they see the theme of their wordpress blog on another website, immediately they look for another top wordpress theme to give their website unique look. This attitude of wordpress blog owners is raising the need for new responsive wordpress themes that give best impression among internet users.
What makes the wordpress themes the best?
Currently look and feel is the first factor that is impacting the wordpress themes to be the best. Best layouts, colors, backgrounds, images, icons etc., are the qualities the best wordpress themes must have.
Second factor that is considered in wordpress themes to make them best is the customization and usability. Most wordpress users like their theme to be most customizable right from the wordpress settings page instead of editing the theme source code, because most of them are lay users and doesn’t know programming which is essential to edit the theme source code.
Third factor that keep wordpress themes the best is the universality. The best wordpress themes must suit to a project to work on. Weather it is a tech blog or a business site or a video sharing site, the best wordpress themes must be more universal to suit the need of the blog.
Generally wordpress themes are offered in 2 groups that are free themes and premium themes. Free wordpress themes are less supportive than premium wordpress themes but free to use. Premium wordpress themes are made more professional and more supportive but need to buy them to use. WordPress themes are also offered in many categories depending on the type of blog they support. They are categorized like Magazine Themes, News themes, Business Themes, Portfolio Themes, Photo Gallery Themes etc.
What ever the kind of project we can see drastic growth in new websites and many of them using wordpress to manage content. This is growing the need for best wordpress themes also enabling top wordpress themes developed every day around the world.
The best of the best : Thesis or Socrates WP Themes?
If you’ve spent three seconds online, you’ve bumped into either Thesis or Socrates websites. If you know what they look like, you know what I mean. But what makes them so popular?
In a word: they’re easy to use, even for the beginner like myself – I don’t play with code if I don’t have to. WYSIWYG and GUI are two terms that spell “best friend” in my book – and this is where both Thesis and Socrates WP themes excel.
If you’re online for a profit – like I am since I do this to support my family – then you’ve got no time to mess with worrying about if a site is pretty.
Pretty don’t pay. Not with websites…not necessarily, of course if you’re into the web design niche or some fashion niche, etc…well, you get the point. But for most: other facets of web design take priority.
It may be that a pretty site will have a lowered bounce rate – but if the website has targeted traffic, is properly SEOed, and people are interested in your topic – then the look of the site is the last thing to worry about.
Great content, market research (including keywords) and SEO are really your top priorities. But no matter:
Thesis and Socrates WP Themes are both “pretty” and functional: SEO is in place, load times, customization, monetization…
Both have that in common – you have user control, and can customize them both. In fact, both Thesis and Socrates WP themes have the following in common:
- SEO Ready
- Affiliate Link Integration
- AdSense Enabled
- Full Customization – Text and Graphics, Navigation
- Generate Sales Pages
- Generate Squeeze Pages (Building Lists)
- Able to Use On Unlimited Sites (With License Upgrade)
- Can Use Both on Client Websites (With License Upgrade For Thesis)
- Can Use Only on Self Hosted WordPress – NOT “”
How Are Thesis And Socrates WP Themes Different?
Thesis and Socrates were both created with you and me in mind – assuming you’re a non-geek like me – but bothwork great for professionals as well. They’re both scalable, in that you can be as simple or complex as you’d like…but: Thesis is more customizable that Socrates.
There are some limits on the way a Socrates theme can be adjusted, and Thesis would have a little bit of a heads up on Socrates for that.
Let me start with some basics:
Thesis WP theme:
Price:Thesis 2.0 $164 for the developer’s option, $87 for a single domain.
Socrates WP theme:

Price : $77 for the “unlimited domains” license, and $47 for a single domain.
If you want unlimited design features, from a developer-mindset:
Buy Thesis WP Theme Here Or See Demos and SAVE $137 Off Developer License Before 2.0 Comes Out (30 Day Money Back Guarantee)
OR –
If you want speed, good looks and profit, from a marketer’s perspective:
Buy Socrates WP Theme Here Or See Demos (60 Day Money Back Guarantee)
That’s a difference, right?
This is what really caught my eye between the two themes, to be honest with you. I’m not a bank, and I’m frugal. So for 100% + more money, does Thesis actually prove itself worth it?
If you’re reading this article and want a definitive opinion on which is “better,” I’m not going to make up your mind for you. If you navigated here, you’re old enough to make up your own mind on that – and it depends on your needs.
If you’re a developer, you might want Thesis for its un-ending options – the thing’s a beast, and it is easy to use…
But if you just want to make your own monetized websites, like I do, and your end goal is to get these sites SEOd, launched, and making you a paycheck – then it’s not like you’re settling for second fiddle with Socrates.
Here’s another detail:
Thesis WP theme was developed by DIY Themes – they’ve specialized in making WP themes for years, for the DIY-er. (Hence the name.) They are primarily developer-focused, whereas the Socrates WP theme was developed jointly by Joel Comm (who’s an internet marketer, creator of various iPhone apps – like iFart, co-founder of Yahoo! Games, the founder of Worldnetvillage and…you get the idea), and Dan Nickerson – who has more websites than he’s willing to talk about – he also helped create one of the first text-link ad formats in 1998.
The point is that the Thesis WP theme was created from a developer standpoint, Socrates WP theme from a marketer’s standpoint.
Who uses Thesis WP theme?
Nobody important. Just Matt Cutts, chief of Google’s webspam team. (What would he know?) (again, what would Copyblogger know?) … Dave Navarro of Jane’s Addiction uses Thesis WP theme. Not that he’s some coder…
Needless to say, Thesis WP theme has a lot of “sizzle” and street cred. Socrates WP theme is just plainly a logical choice for those looking to make money and do it quickly (not that you couldn’t do that with Thesis).
Here’s a good article you should read on Thesis – and from a person whom I respect – you probably have heard of her blog, “BizChickBlogs” and other places she writes. That hub has a number of galleries to see it in action.
Thesis WP theme has a lot going for it – but from a noob’s perspective – I’d call myself a noob – you have to know a little more than the average Joe: you don’t have to touch the CSS, PHP and HTML, etc., since the GUI panel makes customization easy enough, but you might get into “webhooks” and no – those ain’t for fishin’.
Don’t ask me what a web hook is. I know the WP Codex and a handy Google or YouTube search will do away with my fear of webhooks or other such technobabble…and I’ll be honest with you that I am totally impressed with the Thesis WP theme –
I’m not looking to be a developer. The “user friendly” factor, and template-driven, change a header with one of the hundreds that are packed in sort of design (or upload your own graphics) – with an eye to get up and running and spend less time designing is more of what I’m after.
I’ll cover more of the difference in features list when I get time. But ask yourself, what do you want from a website? To develop a blog or sites – are you a developer primarily? Get Thesis. Are you trying to establish an internet marketing business, a collection of profitable sites, like me? Socrates is more than “fine,” it’s awesome, and saves money.
Both are profitable, intelligent, SEO-driven themes with fast load times, profitability, and general ease of use (though Socrates is a bit easier to use). Socrates WP theme is over 50% less than the other (Score! for someone in my shoes), but ROI is phenomenal with either depending on how you use them. I’m not trash talking either theme, nor do I want to make up your mind for you – but just to introduce to you two powerhouses.
You can’t go wrong with either Thesis and Socrates WP themes.