Perhaps you’ve already chosen a good looking template, and are set on purchasing it. But before doing so, it may be helpful to visit my review here and read what other users are saying about it. Does it come highly recommended? If there are a lot of negative remarks about it, it may be time to reconsider your options.
So many people want to make money on line, and most of them have no idea where to start. Indeed, there are many different approaches to bringing home the online bacon, and blogging is only one of them, but it is the one we will focus on here. Know in advance that having the best blogging theme for you, will make life much easier, but we will get to that.
If you are just starting out on this path, and you want to know how to get started, open a new browser window and head over to WordPress.org. Don’t worry, I’ll wait.
WordPress is the most widely used, self-hosted blogging platform out there today. Self-hosted means before you use the software, you must purchase a domain name. This is easy to do and very cheap, so we won’t be focusing on that here today. What we are going to look at is what is, in my opinion, the best premium WordPress them out there.
Getting The Theme Right
The number of WordPress themes have sprung up tremendously over the past few years. While the end users are the biggest beneficiary of the trend, it is getting harder to choose the right WordPress themes that are of good quality.
When users download a theme, more often than not, they have no idea what is in store for them. Most of the time, the only judgment they make in choosing a WP theme is by the sheer appearance of it. Whether the theme performs or not will only come to light beyond the installation.
It would save you a lot of time and effort if you know what to look for in a best WordPress theme. Do yourself a favor by considering these 3 things when choosing your best themes: theme layout and design, theme coding, designers’ skill and reputation.
Why premium WordPress themes?
There are a lot of free WordPress themes in the web, so why use premium WordPress themes? Since a lot of new bloggers may be asking this very same question, let’s try to see the wisdom of choosing premium WordPress themes over the free themes, shall we?One of the first challenges every blogger make after installing WordPress is finding the right theme that would perfectly blend with his or her topic. If you think this task is easy, well, you’re in for quite a big surprise!
There are hundreds of websites offering free and paid themes alike that it may take you quite some time to find the perfect one for you. That is, if you ever get that lucky! Don’t get me wrong, okay? I’m not saying that free WordPress themes are not good enough. There are good ones out there ñ no doubts about that. Due to the stiff competition, all talented web designers are consistently coming up with new themes. But let’s face it, free WordPress themes can be a bit limited in terms of their features, functionality and ease of use.However, paying a web designer for a custom made theme can be a very expensive alternative. So, if you’re just starting out and have a pretty limited budget, choosing this option is clearly out of the question.
And this is where premium WordPress themes come in. These outstanding themes combine the best of free themes with those of custom made ones!
Here are 7 good reasons why you’ll definitely fall in love with premium WordPress themes:
– Premium WordPress themes have an unbeatable quality. There are no questions about it. Premium WordPress themes rock! They have an unbeatable quality and a polished, professional look about them. And this is the first and most important reason in choosing premium WordPress themes.
-Another thing that makes these templates so great is that their developers are constantly acting on the feedback they receive from the people who purchased their templates. They are constantly improving on their templates ñ fixing bugs and adding features requested by those who purchased them, among others.
– They are easier to use and customize. Premium WordPress templates are user-friendly and you can just as easily make changes to suit your preferences.
– They offer special features and functionality. There is a tight competition out there, and this prompts developers to include special features and functionality in their premium templates. Most of these features make the user’s life easier by taking care of difficult and time-consuming tasks.
– There are a lot of designs to choose from. With premium WordPress themes, you’ll never run out of choices! So, whether you want a template that is highly search engine optimized, an Ads-customized template or one that is focused on CMS, you’ll have a lot to choose from.
– You get unbeatable support from the theme’s developer. This is one feature of premium WordPress themes that is simply amazing! So, no matter how many upgrades WordPress take on in the future, you can be sure that your template will work out just fine. Bet you can’t say the same for free WordPress templates.
– They are much more affordable as compared to custom made themes. Yep, they are! You can have your premium WordPress themes for just a fraction of what it would cost you if you are to have a custom designed template. And this is good news ñ especially for those who are just starting out and have quite a limited budget.
There are a lot of other reasons why you absolutely have to choose premium WordPress themes over the free ones no matter how great they may look at first glance. But these are the main points to consider.
Now that you know why choosing premium WordPress themes can work to your advantage, you should know what to do before actually making a purchase. After all, you need to protect your investment. Here are some tips that may help you.
What makes a theme worthy of being considered the best premium WP theme?
Know what you want. This is key to making your final decision and check these common properties when you will order a premium theme –
Design Properties for Premium Theme –
Designer supports
Post area flexibility : Proper Image Alignment
Floating Content
Auto Adjustment
Nested/Threaded Comments
Body : Sidebar flexibility – Auto Adjustment
Other Special Effects : Responsive , Customizer, Stacks, Experts
SEO Properties for Premium theme:
Content Code Position
Post and Page Heading
W3C Compliant
Homepage Heading
Post and Page Title Tag
X Theme –The Last WordPress Theme You’ll Ever Have To Buy