Employees try to budget their income ensuring that they can sustain themselves with their salaries, but at times things may not go as expected. You may find that you are having a problem that needs to be addressed in the middle of the month. Since it is an emergency applying for a bank loan may not be the best option because of the time it will take for your money to be processed. So where do you turn to? Today if you want to apply for quick cash, you should not worry. You can seek the help of Captaincash and apply online today.
How To Use Content Marketing Effectively in The Digital Age
For many, the prospect of using digital marketing as their main form of advertising is a daunting concept. Although a recent phenomenon, the growth in online marketing methods has increased dramatically in the past few years, and will only continue to do so.
We have put together a few tips on how you can get your business moving more towards digital, and how it can help to improve the overall performance of your business using online content
- Compelling content is vital for online marketing. Your content will have the attention of your readers for no longer than 5 seconds, before they decide to move on to the next article on their Facebook newsfeed. No content is unique, you are in competition with every piece of writing out there so you must ensure yours is well written, engaging, informative and short and relevant to what you want to achieve. Not only does this count for blogs, but every update on your social media channels will need to follow this too. Your company needs a strong voice to stand out from the crowds.
- Timing is key to gaining the most views and responses to your online content as possible. Conducting research into when your target audience are more likely to be engaging in social posts and reading blogs is useful in ensuring you gain the most out of the content you create, and the maximum number of potential customers available will see your posts.
- Engage with your customers online, react and respond to their comments and questions to show you are active. Don’t forget to share their content as well on platforms such as twitter, and to react and comment on their posts- it’s a two-way process in building up a relationship with customers. Use events and news to inspire your content, and to encourage.
Finally, you need to be committed. You must be posting and engaging in social media every day, and uploading blog posts to your website at least once a week, with plenty of keywords linking back to your website to help build your reputation of being a trustworthy, knowledgeable company with a sophisticated online marketing strategy.
It can be tricky to manage all of the different online advertising platforms available, especially for smaller businesses who perhaps lack the funding or staff available to take charge and manage the amount of content and the quality of production. SeeLocal is a local online advertising platform that allows businesses of any size to manage multiple online advertising providers through one easy to use platform, with the focus on targeting local customers.
How To Build An Authoritative Business
Not all businesses are reliable or dependable. This is one way to get the upper hand if you’re looking to step it up in your industry. It takes hard work and a commitment to excellence to be recognized as a trustworthy company.
Your actions speak louder than your words and you have to demonstrate that you’re an authentic brand to be believable. Know it takes time and that you’re not going to win over the hearts of many overnight. It has to be built into your culture and at the forefront of all you do. See how to build an authoritative business.
Hire Respectable Employees
Whoever works for you represents you and the company. Don’t take the process lightly. Do your due diligence and select people who are going to help you build a stellar reputation. Hire people who have a passion and drive to accomplish the same goals you do. Take your time and be picky about who you offer an interview and a seat at your company. You can’t bring in staff who are talented, but who offer no personality or desire to help you win over your customers.
Be Secure
To be authoritative, you need to first be trusted by your employees, your clients and your customers. If you’re using the cloud (which most businesses are nowadays), then you need to keep your sensitive data secure. Password protection is only so useful (although passwords should always be used). Instead, you should look at using a cloud access security broker like Skyhigh Networks to help you secure your cloud data. By improving your business’s security, you’re proving yourself and showcasing your appropriate work ethic. If you avoid data breached caused by cyber crime, then you’re improving your chances of being trusted and dominating the industry you’re working in.
Be Good to your Customers
Your customers are the ones who are going to be talking about you. Give them positive points to cover with their friends and family. Offer superb customer service, always be respectful, and help them solve any issues quickly. Host customer appreciation events and engage your followers with your business online. Remember that these are the people who are giving you business and they’re also the ones who can turn on you in an instant. Build a strong following and loyal customers who are willing to give you good reviews and speak kindly about you in public.
Listen & be Truthful
A business who’s looked up to by many knows how to listen and they’re always honest. Make sure these are your top priorities during any exchanges with people, whether they’re employees or clients. Take your customer feedback seriously and use it to implement changes in how you do business. Create a culture that’s honest and truthful at all times with each other and customers. It’s always best to admit your mistakes than try to cover them up.
These are tips for creating a company that’s admired and respected. Use them to make changes where you work and enjoy the benefits they bring. This is how to build an authoritative business.
Why You Should Use Joomla For Your E-Commerce Website
Although Content Management Systems (CMS) help to reduce the hassles that are associated with getting a website built, especially an e-Commerce site, it can be a difficult decision when it comes to selecting the right system. The three largest CMSs that need to be considered by all eCommerce entrepreneurs are all popular and usually business owners will end up selecting one of them to use on their websites. Joomla is a great choice since it offers excellent extendability, ease of use, extensive functionality and can deliver a very positive online business experience for both entrepreneurs and customers.Continue reading →
5 Digital Marketing Mistakes All Companies Should Avoid
If you have a small business (or large) you need to run digital marketing campaigns; it’s as simple and straightforward as that. However, without proper guidance or experience, it’s quite likely that you will end up making mistakes. While nothing can really replace experience, it definitely helps if you know beforehand, which are the common mistakes that people often make while running a digital marketing campaign.
Not Setting Definite Goals
If you are not setting clear goals then your planning is flawed and it’s very likely that the marketing campaign won’t be a success. To avoid this mistake, jot down what your goals are and interconnect them as much as possible by making each objective complement the other. Without definite goals, there is no way to determine essential data like success, failure, progress, etc. If you have goals but you fail to achieve them, it will still give you enough data to work with and devise a better plan the next time around.
Getting on the Hype Train
Now this is a tricky little aspect to deal with because it can be quite hard to differentiate between what’s hype and what’s an upcoming trend. While it isn’t always wise to wait for too long before following a new marketing trend, the ground rule is to give it at least some time. Do not invest in a brand new social media platform or some other emerging marketing methods right away, just because it shows promise. Consider how it can benefit the business which you are involved in and then wait till you are sure.
Marketing to the Wrong Audience
Very few things are worse than employing a well-orchestrated campaign with a very specific target audience, only to realize that your identification of the target audience was wrong to begin with. As this would be a total failure and a complete wastage of every available resource, do your market research well and make sure that your target audience, your products/services and your marketing ploys match perfectly with each other.
Following the Wrong Metrics
When you are using social media, the likes and shares do not matter as much as other more important metrics such as traffic generation, click through rate, conversion rate, bounce rate, cost per lead, ROI, etc. These are the details which will help you identify what is working and what’s not, so pay more heed to the business-centric metrics than anything else.
Trying to Blend In
You don’t want to build and advertise a product or service that the current market has little to no need of at the moment. When your product is something that is in demand but is also being offered by plenty of other rivals, at the very least, you need to stand out in the marketing department. That’s how Apple sets itself apart from an unending number of Android smartphones out there. If you try to blend in by following what everyone else is doing in the field, you will not only blend in, you will become invisible.
Now that we have covered the important basics, it’s time to put what you have learned to the test by designing your next marketing campaign. Do not make the mistake of trying to do everything on your own though. Hire an experienced advertisement agency to aid you in implementing your messages and ideas. You will need the professional resources and guidance if you want to hit a home run from the very first campaign and skip the trial-and-error routine.
What to do when a website receives a Google penalty?
Google has been implementing notable updates to its algorithms in recent years. These advancements are designed to improve search results for users and provide the most effective online experience.
With these goals in mind, penalties have become stricter and more common, as SEO companies have become more practiced in finding ways to boost search engine results.
Google aims to identify and penalise companies for attempting to evade its guidelines, while encouraging fair and organic SEO. There are a few courses of action to consider when your website is hit with a penalty, depending on how your site has been affected.
Penalties are imposed for two reasons, each possessing varying consequences and remedy requirements.
1. Manual
A penalty may come in the form of manual action. These are particularly easy to identify and can be found through a clear message from Google in your Webmaster Tools. If your website is subject to a manual penalty, you will usually experience decreased ratings.
2. Algorithmic
Most commonly, a penalty will be triggered by an algorithmic issue. There are no obvious messages provided for an algorithmic issue, so they are much harder to identify. You will first notice a drop in organic traffic.
While this alone is not a clear indicator of a penalty, given traffic fluctuates for many unrelated reasons, monitoring your traffic patterns is essential to sensing a problem.
Checking your ranking is the next step to identifying an algorithmic problem. Via the use of Google Webmaster Tool’s search queries report, you will ascertain whether certain terms have dropped in rankings.
Combining your knowledge of a sustained fall in website traffic, as well as worsened rankings will provide a fairly reliable indication of an algorithmic issue.
Algorithmic penalties fall into the Panda or Penguin categories. Panda penalties are associated with the quality of the content on your site, as well as the functionality of your site. On the other hand, Penguin penalties are related to excessive optimisation strategies.
Dealing with the problem
In addition to the obvious notification of a manual penalty, you will also find recommendations from Google on appropriate actions to take. You will need to perform a complete SEO audit, beginning with page issues and moving onto link profiles. Once the SEO company has improved the website, it must be resubmitted to Google.
Given an algorithmic penalty means your website has tripped a safeguard in Google’s algorithm, there is no way to manually request immediate removal of the infringement once fixed. As a result, you will need to address the issue and then wait for the algorithm to be updated.
A Panda based penalty will only require a waiting period of approximately a month. Unfortunately, a Penguin based infringements will only be overturned once a specific Penguin update occurs, which usually happens every 2-4 months.
As Best in Australia explains, prevention is much easier than trying to fix a problem, so always consider the potential costs associated with your online activity.
Remember to always write content for site users and only include links that will actually be beneficial to them. Placing too much of an emphasis on SEO and trying to build links, rather than earn them, will land you in trouble.
You should put effort into generating relationships with good websites, as Google will judge your site through its connections. With a user focus, you will naturally begin to see your rankings improved.
Attempting to escape a Google penalty is challenging, costly and time-consuming. However, following these processes is essential for an SEO company, in order to revitalise a website and continue to improve its online presence.
Great Ways to Market Your Small Business
Your business needs to be known in order to be successful. Whether you’re a start-up or an established business, you will need to focus on marketing. Your company’s message needs to be spread, shared, and believed.
Marketing is a complicated business in itself and, at times, you may feel a little daunted at the prospect of promoting your business. Fear not. Here we look at some great ways to market your small business. Your choices will, of course, be up to you, but at least your decisions will be informed ones. Read on to learn great ways to market your small business.
Whether it’s on your blog or elsewhere on your website, you need great content. Far too many sites have poorly written copy with spelling mistakes. Imagine if you’re a customer, you won’t buy from a website that is poorly written or has confusing navigation. View things through the eyes of the customer and ensure that everything works and looks great, from the landing page to the checkout. Make sure visitors can find the information they need and, if you have an ecommerce site, make sure customers can easily pay for their purchase. Great content will bring interest but you need to convert it into business.
Be they instructional videos or picture-based, guides help people learn something for nothing, if they are “given” away free of charge. Spike interest in your business by giving a little bit of knowledge away for nothing. These can appear either on your website or on social media.
Socially Savvy
Social media is a great way to reach an audience for very little money. You’ll need to invest your time and, again, ensure that the content is great. You can cross-promote complimentary businesses, who in turn can promote your company. Share links to helpful sites on your own site, while they link their site to yours. Your competitors won’t help you, but others will.
Everyone loves a competition, especially if the prize is great. You can get traffic to your site for the competition and if you can interest visitors in your products or services, you should be able to convert visitors into customers.
Business Cards
Yes, people still use them and yes, they work, especially if they are bespoke and attention-grabbing. Personal networking is a great opportunity to share them with people who might be able to help your business, as well as potential customers.
Build up a list of your client emails and send well-drafted targeted emails to your list, as required. Pass on helpful information and let them know when your company is offering a new product or service. Sales and other special offers can be announced to give loyal customers the first opportunity to participate. Service providers often offer special incentives when subscriber numbers are limited.
SEO and PPC Services
An SEO-friendly site will increase the organic traffic levels. Over time this will improve search engine rankings. It takes time and it requires supervising/adapting but it is a great way to promote a business. PPC services are more immediate. They put ads where they will be see and any clicks will be taken to your site (you’ll pay for each). Although this can be expensive, it is better to look at the return on investment, rather than the cost of the investment. If you spend £1000 and get £2000, then that’s a good use of your marketing budget. Just be careful not to spend £1000 for no return!
Whether you opt for the cheaper and more personal forms of marketing, through networking, cross referrals and SEO, or whether you have a budget for PPC services, always think of the benefit to your business and the people using it. You want to be recognised, remembered and have people return to your site. Your goals may decide the right marketing strategy for you, but whatever the decision, you’ll have made an informed one. Good luck.
Hiring Tech Help to Step Up Your Business’ Web Presence? 3 Big Points to Consider
There’s nothing more frustrating than staring at your business’ site and just feeling like something is off, right?
Perhaps your business just doesn’t have that professional vibe.
Maybe you’re not comfortable with the rate at which your site is converting.
Either way, it’s better to swallow your pride and hire help sooner rather than later versus settling for a mediocre web presence. Especially in a day and age where mobile marketing is all the rage, businesses today traditionally struggle to “do it all” on their own when it comes to their sites.
Don’t sweat it. Given the booming gig economy and the ability to hire tech-savvy startups or freelancers in a snap, there’s arguably no better time to hire help to grow your business.
That said, you need to know exactly what you’re getting into when you’re looking at new hires. That’s exactly why we’re outlined three essential points to consider before hiring someone to help code, design or otherwise optimize your business’ web presence.
Figure Out the Price Tag of Your Project
When it comes to hiring any sort of help, the price tag involved is always going to be a primary concern.
For starters, you need to have realistic expectations in terms of what you want and the legwork involved. When we look at how much it costs to hire a mobile app developer, for example, there are obviously tons of variables at play. Depending on your wants and needs, you could be spending anywhere between less than $250,000 to well over $1.5 million.
Crazy, right?
To say that not all projects are created equal would be an understatement. It’s best to define a budget beforehand, but it’s also important for business’ to understand that they’re not going to receive work by paying peanuts.
Check Out Your Potential Hires’ Track Record
Looking for someone to help with a one-off project can be particularly challenging as you don’t want to spend too much time delegating and interviewing candidates. One of the easiest ways to weed out potential hires is simply by looking at their track record.
Do they have a portfolio? Do they have relevant industry experience? Testimonials and recommendations?
While you don’t necessarily want to rule out someone with less experience, someone with a strong work history is much less likely to leave you disappointed. Furthermore, taking the time to understanding what makes a good coder in the first place can also clue you in on whether or not someone has experience relevant to your needs or is just trying to smooth talk you.
Location, Location, Location
Finally, bear in mind the impact of geography when it comes to your new tech hire.
So many companies today hire far beyond their own backyard as talent rarely has borders in today’s economy. That said, you need to make sure you and your potential hires are on the same page in terms of your ability to effectively communicate.
If you’re working with someone in another country, for example, simply make sure you outline expectations clearly and ideally have a time of day where you can speak in real-time, if necessary. Managing remote workers requires patience and flexibility, but can ultimately save you major money in the long-run.
Don’t assume that an awesome hire to step up your business’ web presence is beyond your reach. Instead, keep these tips in the back of your mind to ensure that you hire the absolute best fit for your company.
Basics of Montreal Search Engine Marketing
Montreal is Canada’s second biggest city and it makes perfect sense that its business sector is flourishing. Part of this development is the success of its online businesses which are, of course, heavily reliant on Montreal search engine marketing.
Why Search Engine Marketing?
Remember that people now shop a lot on the Internet. Therefore, there is a huge market out there that can be tapped. Why? The answer is simple – because most Internet purchases start with a keyword search. Thus, it is the worthwhile investment to launch and maintain an effective search engine campaign to make any website or webpage more visible online. The more visible it is, the greater the chances of success. A lot of good businesses out there exist online without reaching their full potential simply because not too many people know about them. Getting online businesses to consumers is the main goal of search engine marketing.
Successful online business is a couple of two constituents. First is good deals, second is a great content. The first part is your own choice, but with the second you can get a help from Primetimeessay service.
What Composes a Search Engine Marketing Campaign?
A search engine marketing campaign can consist of components such as keywording where a website owner targets certain keywords to generate a favorable search engine response. This is important because a huge chunk of online purchases begin on Google, Bing, etc. Montreal Facebook Marketing can also be a part of this campaign, where a business creates a page on this social networking site and build real relationships with its clients. Another effective way to market online is by submitting articles to different online directories and leaving links that lead to the site or sites being promoted. With consistency, good content and honest practices, any search engine marketing trick can be effective.
Should You or Should You Not Hire an SEO Company
Montreal Search Engine Marketing campaigns can be learned through self-study. The Internet is such a vast resource of information that it would not make sense to say that you can’t find everything you need online. However, information relayed by others is not the only thing that is necessary for a campaign to be sustainably effective. Like any other field of knowledge, there are the so-called experts and there are the amateurs, and of course, the experts are always the best choice. That’s what they are called experts for. Yes, it’s possible to run an online marketing campaign independently, but there are results that only professionals can deliver.
If you’re thinking of pumping up your Montreal business’ search engine performance, do read up on search engine marketing. Practice a few tricks, from Montreal Facebook marketing to article marketing to forum posting and more. If you simply don’t have time for these yourself, there are professionals who can do the job for you while you focus on other important aspects of your business.
What Snapchat’s New Design Really Tries to Do
Snapchat is one of the most downloaded social media apps, however the app has undergone somewhat of a face life recently. Snapchat’s CEO, Evan Spiegel, recently announced a new design for the Snapchat app, along with the principles behind this redesign. Snapchat now defines the boundary between friends and professional content creators more clearly, separating them to the two sides of the app.
This redesign of the Snapchat app has garnered the attention of the most experienced Snapchat users as well as industry experts for several key reasons. The simplicity of it all masks the deep and thoughtful insight that Snapchat is trying to utilize in order to win (back) its fans.
Friends First
In a video describing the thinking behind the new app redesign, Spiegel mentioned how friends are not content. This was the main principle that DesignRush covered when the company took a closer look at the redesigned app.
Spiegel is right. In all other platforms, the line between social interaction and content consumption is very much blurred. It is difficult to separate genuine friends from followers. Even platforms such as Instagram are struggling with creating more intimate user interaction.
That intimacy is found in the new Snapchat app. The main app view is still the camera, but swipe right and you will see all of your friends. You can then choose to exchange Snaps, engage them in conversation, and develop that intimacy and closeness through Snapchat.
Designed for Everyone
As mentioned earlier, the main app view is still the signature Snapchat camera interface, complete with filters, a text tool, and other features users can utilize to produce great Snaps. In this respect, Snapchat is trying to inspire everyone to be a content creator.
More importantly, Snapchat is positioning itself as the perfect tool for capturing moments, creating instant content within seconds, and sharing that content as quickly as possible with close friends. At the same time, the tool can be pushed further, making it just as suitable for those who want to take Snapchat more seriously.
And then there’s the left swipe, which reveals the new Discover view. This is the extra depth that the new Snapchat app brings to the table.
Smart Content Consumption
The Discover tab isn’t just a tab for displaying all publisher content on Snapchat. It is a highly curated, very customized view of the entire ecosystem. Users get to consume the content they truly love and Snapchat is doing most of the heavy lifting to make sure only relevant Snaps are presented to users.
Once again, the social aspect of the app takes centre stage. Content on the Discover tab can quickly be shared with friends and relatives who are also on Snapchat. This can potentially spark fun discussions and many more Snaps on that one piece of content alone.
It is easy to see why DesignRush considers the new Snapchat app stunning from an app design and UX perspective. Snap CEO Evan Spiegel himself summed it up perfectly.
“When we first built Snapchat, we made it easier to express ourselves by talking with pictures. But today we’re making it easier to find the people you want to express yourself with.” Even better, you only need to try the new app once to understand the whole concept.